Effective everyday listening skills

As we enter places like media space, offices, business districts, we are most confronted by information in English the worlds universally accepted language for purposes of business and communication. Consequently, as we hop on the plane, go to an embassy or browse the internet, we get into English space.  To achieve our aim, we have to be able to effectively listen for accurate response.

The following points would help in effective listening

Listening is a skill which has to be developed overtime: There is no overnight mastery of English. People think they would wake up one morning with the desire to speak English. This is not true. Every language must be learnt before mastered.

Interaction with Fluent English speakers: Learning a new language is challenging but persistence makes it much easier. By interaction and communication with fluent English speakers at school, work or the community, listening is greatly improved.

Listening to audio-visuals in English: One of the most effective ways of learning a language is by listening to communication between fluent speakers. By listening to audio-visuals in English, the art of listening and understanding would be greatly improved.

Qualified training: The best way of learning how to listen effectively is by acquiring them through qualified trainers. This offers the opportunity of standard skills globally accepted. As a result learners are able to communicate effectively in any situation.

Listening and Dictation; a special and efficient way to improve listening. This is a method used only by the best of the best. It involves self-study using audio materials with the guidance of qualified instructors. This helps mastery of the skill by complete understanding not cramming. Would you like to know where to practice this way?

To know where you can be guided to practice the above mentioned, click here.


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