Tuesday, 18/03/2025

Corporate culture

Corporate Cuture

Building corporate culture is a matter of special concern for HRD GLOBAL. The time ago, many traditions and good values ​​have emerged, bringing HRD GLOBAL into a company with many unique and unique cultures, is the pride of each person in the company and the contribution of Focus on the success of HRD GLOBAL today. Through regular cultural activities, not only traditional values ​​are maintained and promoted, but the spiritual needs of the employees are met, giving them the excitement business is more and more pressure. Our culture is:

– We create a work environment that values ​​equality.

– Everyone considers the company as their own and strives to build a strong company to ensure the lives of individuals and their families.

– We develop personal talents through fostering and enhancing the working capacity of our employees.

– We value traditional values, adapting to modern cultural values.

– We value pureness and respect for moral values.

– We care about the workers and behave according to the human values ​​in every case.


Consulting and training are considered the strengths of HRD GLOBAL .We work on the basis of close cooperation between the team of consultants and experts of HRD GLOBAL with a team of specialists and senior consultants of ministries, research institutes, Leading universities and international organizations in Vietnam such as Hanoi University, University of Technology, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Foreign Trade, Hanoi University of Internal Affairs and some other universities, etc.

HRD GLOBAL has extensive experience in providing the services of education, communication an study abroad for domestic and foreign customers such as: General Department of Vocational Training, General Statistics Office, etc. The current staffing structure of the company is about 30 people, of which the percentage of workers with university and post-graduate degrees is 90%. We focus on the ability to organize personnel in accordance with the management process of foreign countries to effectively and professionally create staff.

The company focuses on the selection of inputs, training, and career orientation for employees, helping them passionate and love the job. The company uses the tools and means of information technology with specialized software personnel management. Regular, dynamic and effective staff evaluation.

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